Monday, April 18, 2011

News Notes

Definition of Journalism:

The telling of current events that are newsworthy through newspapers, magazines and the Internet.

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness.
1. Timeliness: up to date current events-newspaper articles

2. Prominence: caring about famous people-us weekly, star magazine, Brittney cutting her hair

3. Proximity: caring about news that is close to us-weather, traffic, house fires, shootings

4. Significance: the bigger the event, more people are impacted by it-japan earthquake

5. Unusualness: caring about things that dont happen often, out of the ordinary-murders, fires

6. Human Intrest: feel good stories, stories of good things happening-new animal born, saving a life

What are the advantages of print journalism?

1. Stories go much more into detail

2. You can control what you want to read and how much you want to read

3. You can take it with you or archive it

What are the advantages of broadcast journalism?

1. Much more current news

2. Power of video and sound, on scene footage

3. Easy to access

Why has online journalism (convergent media) become so popular
Broadcast and print journalism are combined. You can read any story, along with video coverage on the scence. Its the best of both worlds. Easy to access to read what you want to read.

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