Thursday, June 2, 2011


I thought the movie was very interesting. I like how it pertained to this class so well and that it should us the ropes of journalism. It blows my mind to think that someone would lie to millions of people about what they were writing about. To think that important people such as congress men and even the president probably read the fraud articles that he now has gotten into trouble for is crazy. Overall I thought it was a good movie.

I liked this class because it should me what it would be like to be a journalist. I want to go into the field of public relations so this class was a bit similar to that in a sense. The only thing I didnt like about this class was I didnt think we wrote enough news stories for this class to actually be a journalism class. I felt as if it was lengthy and boring but overall I would recommend this class to people who like to write and are interested in that area.

Monday, May 9, 2011


1. What is a problem/issue that our entire student body (our school, community, country, etc.) faces today?
The price of gas

2. What is your view/position on the problem or situation?
Gas is to expensive
3. What would you like to achieve with your editorial? (What is the desired result?)
Lighten the mood about gas prices
4. How will you persuade your audience to adopt your viewpoint as theirs? List at least 4 persuasive points.

crisis overseas, getting some exercise, cutting back on unnecessary trips, car pooling
5. How will you motivate your readership to action in your conclusion?
save them a lot of money
6. How will your editorial serve a public purpose?
it shows how much gas is really costing some people to fill up their tanks

Sunday, May 8, 2011

It begins around the end of April; anticipation and excitement builds within the student body, longing for the final countdown to the 2:25 bell. ‘Summer’ is what is on everybody’s mind.
The long awaited jailbreak from school is approaching, and summer is just around the corner. You can feel the excitement walking through the halls and everyone is spending more and more time outside as the temperature starts to rise. Winter jackets are being packed up and pedicures and flip-flops are making their debut.
We all know, summer is a time for freedom and sunshine. New drivers hit the road and many people flock to the beach to soak up the sun. If you are like me, your summers tend to wither away at the end; so sit tight and take notes because this summer will sure to be one for the books!
At the beginning of each summer, energy levels are high. You do not have to wake up early to go sit in a desk for seven hours, listening to someone babble on about something you really do not give a rip about. When the middle of July rolls around lulls fill the air, and when August hits, you sit around your house bored out of your mind. A great way to keep the energy high throughout the whole summer is to plan, plan, plan! I am not talking about setting specific dates for certain things, but making sure you space out your activities accordingly.
Big events such as a vacations, concerts, or road trips should NOT be packed into one month! Spread it out! If you have three big events on your agenda, allow yourself enough time in between to sustain the exciting energy from the event, and also get totally excited for the next. By doing this you’ll have the everlasting energy to keep you charged all summer long.
Some top names artists coming to Minnesota this summer include; Taylor Swift (June 14), Naughty by Nature (June 11), or for a variety of everything check out the Vans Warped Tour 2011 on July 10. Other concert opportunities include artist performing at the State Fair: Def Leppard, Big Time Rush, Steely Dan, Toby Keith, Marc Anthony, and Maroon 5 with Train.
If you are looking to escape for a couple of days, gather up some close friends and take a road trip! Check out Chicago, Illinois for a great shopping and dining experience. On the other hand, if you are looking more on the nature side of life, check out Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. If you are feeling really adventurous head out to the coasts of California for amazing beaches, great shopping and dining and a whole new culture to indulge in.
If your family is looking to get away from the crazy mess, we call life, I would advise a family vacation-somewhere you can all relax and have a great time. Check out Big Sky, Montana for mountainous views, and nothing but fresh air. If you are looking to just simply relax, check out South Carolina and there wide varieties of beaches and activities for the whole family.
Do you ever have those days when you wake up around 9 o’clock, sit on the couch watching TV, look up at the clock only to realize that it is only 11 o’clock and you have nothing planned for the day. It happens to me quite often during the summer. This is a prime time to whip out the “what to do when I am bored list”. Put things on the list such as taking a bike ride, jumping on the trampoline, or simply enjoying the hottest new magazine outside in the beautiful sunshine. Junior Taylor Kuhn suggests getting together some friends to play Frisbee golf, “it is a great way to get outside with friends and stay active!”
Baking is also a great way to pass time in the summer. Baking cookies, cakes, and many other sweets for other people is fun and a quick way to pass those long summer days.
If you are like me and need a dose of exercise during the day, a club sport is a great way to meet new people, try something new and get your fix of exercise in for the day. Try a slow-pitch softball league, or an ultimate Frisbee team. If you are looking for something more relaxing, try a golf or rock climbing league. If you are really looking for a challenge try joining a cycling team or swim club to really, get into shape. Challenge yourself!
Look into doing something that will make you feel good about yourself. A triathlon is a great way to show off your athletic side, at the end you will be overwhelmed with the feeling of accomplishment. Check out Feed My Starving Children, many children around the world are starving and have no source or food. This non-profit organization is a great way to help other kids around the world. Volunteering at a soup kitchen, hospital, or animal shelter is a great way to get involved in the community and make a difference.
‘Summer nights’ was the most ‘Favorite Part of Summer’ when it came to interviewing the students at Eastview High School. They are a big part of what makes summer vacation so amazing. Friends come together and embrace their time off and freedom that is much deserved.
Bonfires, night games, and drive in movies are high lights of some of Eastview students past summers. Get your friends together and roast smores by the fire, or get all the neighborhood kids together for some night games like kick the can, capture the flag, ditch, or ghost in the graveyard.  Drive-in movies are a great way to end the night. You can watch one movie or three of them. Bring along a Frisbee or football to throw around before the sunsets, and some snack food for during the movie.
Embrace this summer with friends, family, good food and a lot of fun! What happens this summer, stays there.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Peer Editing

I peer edited Rachel Raske and Maddie Archer-Burtons paper.
The Eastview Softball JV squad remained undefeated with a win over Apple Valley last Monday. With top notch plays and clutch hits, the team sure has something to look forward to in the future.

Freshman and pitcher for the team, Mackenzie Hannegraff shares, "we all bonded right from the beginning which really sets us apart from the other teams". The JV softball team says that they don’t have any cliques on the team because they don’t feel it’s necessary to, "we are one team, not four different ones all playing together on the same field" states Mackenzie.

With team bonding activities enforced at the very start of the season, the team automatically saw chemistry on and off the field. “We all have nicknames for each other; along with tons of inside jokes” Sophie Albright, the team’s left fielder says, “It’s really fun practicing because everyone makes it so much fun!”
“It’s nice walking through the halls and my teammates saying ‘hi’ to me” Meredith Cocker, a junior on the team states.
“The very first practice we probably spent about an hour just getting to know each other, and at that point I knew we were going to be a very solid team due to the strong chemistry all the girls had with each other” Coach Jenny Gensch states.
The team has strong chemistry on and off the field along with quality hitters.
Lindsey Cullers hit her first grand slam in the team’s game against Eagan. “it was so cool to come back and hit a grand slam after a girl on the other team had just hit a homerun.”
“We have a lot of key hitters on the team that I know I can count on to put the ball in play”, Coach Gensch says.
“Our bats have really started to come around in these last few weeks of the season, it’s one thing for one person to get on base but when the whole batting roster starts coming around, I really think that’s what keeps us super motivated and always has a positive attitude”, center fielder, Sophie Albright says.
Along with clutch hitters, the team also has outstanding fielders.
“It’s really fun to go and play softball with the other girls because I know that I can trust them to be there and back me up or pick me up when I get down on myself.” Pitcher, Mackenzie Hanegraff says. “When I am not doing so well pitching one inning my teammates are always there to pick me up and keep me going to come back strong in the next inning”.
Last Monday, 8th grader Maddie Guebert has two extraordinary plays during their game against Burnsville.
At shortstop it’s hard to cover the gaps, so when the ball was hit to the 2nd bas gap, Maddie came across the field to back hand the ball to get the out at first.
Again, backing up her third basmen, she was there ready to get the ball and fire to first base once again for an amazing out.
“It was sort of intimidating at first being the youngest on the team, but all the others girls were really nice and welcoming, so now we get along great” says Maddie about being the youngest on the team.
The team has a lot to look forward to in the future with more than half expected to move up to varsity next year or even be one of the lucky ones to play up with the region team. Check out the girls this Saturday in the Great 8 tournament in Apple Valley.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Feature News Topic


Questions to be asked:
-what are you most looking forward to for summer?
-what are some highlights from past summers?
-do you have any summer traditions?
-what is the worst part about summer? (as if there is a bad part)
-what are some of your favorite past times to do during the summer?
-how do you spend your summer nights?
-do you play any sports during the summer?
-what is one word you would use to describe summer?
-name your top three summer songs
-what is your favorite summer snack food?
-what is your must have summer accessory? why?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The Eastview Softball JV squad remained undefeated with wins over Chaska and Eden Prarie at the Monticello Tournament last Saturday. With top notch plays and clutch hitting the team sure has something to look forward to in the future.


1.       What are the strengths of the JV softball team?
2.       What are some weaknesses of the JV softball team?
3.       What do you think the team needs the most improving on?
4.       How are you preparing for the end of the season?
5.       What can you expect from the team in the future?
6.       What is it like having such a wide age group on the team?
7.       Going into each game, what is it like knowing you are an undefeated team?
8.       As a coach, what is the number one thing you find on the JV team that sticks out above the Varsity team? (Coach Only)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hard News Story

Topic: JV Softball

Hard News Notes

- Hard news story should be +/- 600 words
- Starts with a lead-who, what, when, where, why, how; summarizing the story in 1 to 2 sentences
- Body-goes into detail, uses quotes
- Feature story-explores an issue, narrative form
- Editorial-persons opinion

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Law and Ethics Notes

1. What are the 5 freedoms of the 1st amendment?
speech, press, assembly, religion, petition

2. What is the Tinker Standard?

student speech cannot be censored as long as it does not "materially disrupt class work of involve substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others"   

Tinker vs. Des Moines School District-1st court case to ever favor students

3. What is the Frasier Standard?
Because school officials have an "interest in teaching students the boundaries of socially appropriate behavior," they can censor student speech that is vulgar or indecent, even if it does not cause a "material or substantial disruption."

4. What is the Hazelwood Standard?
Censorship for school-sponsored student expression is permissible when school officials can show that it is "reasonable related to legitimate pedagogical concerns."

5. What is the Frederick Standard?
- January 2002, Olympic torch travels through town.
- Principle Morse cancels school
- Senior Frederick unveils banner on the sidewalk across street which reads "Bong Hits 4 Jesus"
- Suspended for 10 days
- The Supreme Court favored the school
 6. What is the definition of libel?
-Libel and slander are legal terms for false statements of fact about a person that are printed, broadcasted, spoken or otherwise communicated to others.
-Libel is written, Slander is spoken
-Hurts someones reputation, untrue, that was printed or published

Monday, April 18, 2011

News Notes

Definition of Journalism:

The telling of current events that are newsworthy through newspapers, magazines and the Internet.

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness.
1. Timeliness: up to date current events-newspaper articles

2. Prominence: caring about famous people-us weekly, star magazine, Brittney cutting her hair

3. Proximity: caring about news that is close to us-weather, traffic, house fires, shootings

4. Significance: the bigger the event, more people are impacted by it-japan earthquake

5. Unusualness: caring about things that dont happen often, out of the ordinary-murders, fires

6. Human Intrest: feel good stories, stories of good things happening-new animal born, saving a life

What are the advantages of print journalism?

1. Stories go much more into detail

2. You can control what you want to read and how much you want to read

3. You can take it with you or archive it

What are the advantages of broadcast journalism?

1. Much more current news

2. Power of video and sound, on scene footage

3. Easy to access

Why has online journalism (convergent media) become so popular
Broadcast and print journalism are combined. You can read any story, along with video coverage on the scence. Its the best of both worlds. Easy to access to read what you want to read.